Seems very simple, but can have a very deep positive impact!
A doctor decided to give some advice to ladies. The advice is simple and clear. Please share it with every woman out there so everyone can get healthier and better in 2024
1. You cannot complete all household chores in one day. Those who did are gravely ill and some have already been buried.
2. Please make time to rest. There's no sin in sitting down, putting your legs up on the table and popping popcorn while reading a book or just relaxing.
3. Please sleep if you need to, that headache will go away. Those who refuse to take vacations, or leave, or take time out or rest, their families miss them because they did not get to their maker in time.
4. Stop taking sedatives to sleep, you destroy your brain and organs. At some point you start forgetting things. Relax the brain, worry less, think less, smile more, smile more. Everything passes with time.
5. Sometimes quietly sit outside alone, do nothing, say nothing, just admire God's handiwork, breathe fresh air calmly. Do not hurry.
6. Stand by your mirror, smile at yourself, smile, dance, sing, that will create a positive aura around you so you can glow.
7. Buy yourself a snack or two or a drink if you choose. Just do something for yourself so you unload things in your head.
8. Buy the necessary gadgets for your home to ease your work and avoid stress. Stress is the biggest silent killer of women.
9. If you don't feel well, say so, do something about it, go to a health center, hospital or call a nurse nearby, don't sit still. Your life matters.
10. Check your blood pressure and sugar levels occasionally, whether you are sick or not. It has saved many women in the past. Trust me in this.
Don't forget to share with all the women you love and let them enjoy 2024 in good health and abundance.
: Ladies, this is a reminder for all of us. We are important and should take care of ourselves. 🌹
这次决定带着涵涵去Hard Rock。我知道泳衣是必备的,但在衣柜里犹豫了很久,不确定是否应该去买一套新的。
在前往Hard Rock酒店前,我最终决定把泳衣带上。涵涵兴奋地要去玩水,催促我快点换上泳衣。于是,我鼓起勇气,拿出那套泳衣,穿上了它。
这是Family Villa,可以住4个大人1 个小孩,咪咪说。我们不敢招兵买马,因为不确定咪咪会不会最后来凑热闹。
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